15d Tree Propogator (4,4)p?n? ??n? 8d. Relatively inexperienced? Sing here possibly (8)?r?e?I?e 19a Soviet leader 1953-1964.I know it is Khruschev.But there is space for 10 letters Is there another...
1d Sporting event. 5 and 4 letters. Irish ????.
14a Table sportsperson. 4 and 6 letters. ???? Player.
15d Female sportsperson. 9letters. ????woman.
Any help much appreciated. Thanks....
1a. Be in worst possible situation (3,4,6) 13a Dissonances (13) 5d. 13.19 (7) 8d Forty five Greco(9) 1 & 3d Reflections of Versailles (4,2,7) 14d. Flow blockage (3-4)???-?o?k Any help...
Here I am again but this is the last one. The clue is: To serve is OK,noble and good he changes his order but not for food. 7 letters. ?e?o?e?. Thanks again. I think the answer to the last one I...
Sounds like a lighthouse, but does it operate in the dark. B???o? ????i?. Also clue 8d It might seem unkind to describe a students success thus. ????e???. Any help much appreciated. The...