Weakling? Have T-N-O-S-E if those letters are correct cannot come
up with a word! Thanks in advance from Monica K in dank Fareham
Christmas greetings to you all too....
wonder if someone can advise, please. I'm 62 this coming June 2014 and understand that I can claim for a winter fuel allowance w.e.f. 2015. Is that correct. I was born in mid-June 1952 .... is this...
15 down a highly vascular reddish brown glandular organ that secretes bile.
Have O--J-B. If 18a is rosary.?
Many thanks thats the last one! Monica K Hants...
Does anyone know how long the prize cheque usually takes to arrive for the Sunday express £1000 general knowledge crossword as I was listed as the winner for the week of July 24th but as of yet...
Last one to finish this off 23down Japanese 'amusement verse' 5 letters have H-I-U Can anyone please help - thanks in advance Monica K in sunny Hampshire
I am looking for only one clue to completethis crossword. It is 2 words 2, 5. The clue is In theory not in fact Letters I have are O?/?A??R Many thanks kjsgran
14a of or relating to a tune(7) --l---c 29a a short saying expressing the maxim of a family ect(5) --t-- 21d person active in a poitical selection process (11)----t---e-- 34d to make onself subject...
28d a confection of nuts used in desserts and as a filling for chocolates 35a twisting of a part by application of equal and opposite torques 8d a hybrid shrub produced by crossing a blackberry...
6 down - whale group with a dorsal fin and a series of grooves along the throat and chest (7) R _ R _ U _ L. 28 across - A cold sea mist or fog off the north sea (4) _ A _ R. 41 across - a cultivated...