good morning all any one got the monday morning blues im a bit gooly eyed the day a/dossier%201/smiles/etonne.gif enjoy the sunshine today xxxxxxxxxx
night john boy night john boy wat a tear jerker that was im off to waltons mountain to dream are you,s another lvly nite here wat do you think ladies and gents xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
am away to me bed as hubby wants the pc now cu in 3 hrs time or more after noon alll and aliassss and trolllllllllllls and the lvly sweet peeps here c u lata getting kicked off now mamma i still need...
coz im gonna do it coz i am coz i know i am so guess wat it is ? coz im going to do it i am so there sticks tounge out rrrrrrrr ok il do it lata lol coz i can or cant xxxxxxxxxxxxx
im having a reviver vodka and irn bru then i may go for a dance with chico to cheer him up as he is calling me a dirty stop out hubby learnt him to say that but dont care i had a cracking nite out no...
hahahhahahahhahahahahahahaha 82/poster83304565.jpg snacks and drink have 1 on me the night you lvly cyber persons off for some E X O R S I I M S OOPSSSSS...
i will miss you all the night but got a better offer ofski the noooooo for me vodka tooooooooo misty enjoy your evening out i am awaaaaaaaaaaaaay lol...
wat you all hav against kp knobby or captins log as he used to be so sweet on here before xmas he helped me thru my bad times as did legend and a good few others what has changed since then its so...
how is our wee meg have you heard anything from her is she ok after her sad loss im thinking of her all the time as she and others did me xxxxxxxxxxxx ( hugs megan )
glad you back captain logged on im not a munkey lover hav a bannana munch munch sumbody trying to get in my pc but it wont work no bank details for 1 so wasting ther time nite all be like all genuine...