Really trying not to generalise here but seriously, do all blokes think single mums are an easy lay or something? After getting chatted up by some skeg in a pub near me a few weeks ago (he seemed to...
My eldest junior overall has just microwaved a tin of meatballs. The instructions said microwave for 4 mins, stand for 2 mins. The numbskull cooked them for FORTY TWO minutes. Any suggestions on uses...
fancy coming to newcastle for a night out got a few rooms spare no expense paid for accom/d any offers pick a date a month to see if it can go to plan x xxxxxxxxxxxx monty xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Please look at this and discuss amongst yourselves. eimage.asp?url=prodimages/imagegen.ashx%3Fvpim ageid%3D1985%26tstyle%3Dm%26tsize%3Dlarge%26tc...
Have you ever been on ab and wondered if you actually knew anyone on here? Have you seen something and thought, hmmm, that sounds like so and so? What would you do if you did think it was someone you...
Remaniscing today about what it was like when I was a kid ...... bob's for the gas , bob's for the lecky , party telephone lines , outside toilets that used to freeze over ! a bob for the television...
Hello , have any of you seen the website called doggysnaps ? I found it from a link off the msn home page yesterday . It is worth a look if you like dogs :-) xxx
Is the world a healthier place since some alchemist theorised that hosing 100 cups of Maxwell House up your rear end is probably quite a good idea. Would you have a coffee enema? Would you admit it on...