1d; Easter comic plan about such co-operation(10) ?o??n t???n?? 2d; How frightfully secure to free from danger(6) ?e???? 28a; Garryowen in other words! (2,3,5) ?? ?n? ????? 27a; Eastern date no about...
1d; Easter comic plan about such co-operation(10) ?o??n t???n?? 2d; How frightfully secure to free from danger(6) ?e???? 28a; Garryowen in other words! (2,3,5) ?? ?n? ????? 27a; Eastern date no about...
24a; They threaten to bother Grandees out east (7) 12d; put one's trust in someone who asked the question again(7) r???s?? 16d; Emphasise the danger to an executive perhaps (6) ???e?? 20d; Made people...
Captain Bligh's vessel loaded, it seems, How magnanimous! (9) ???????u? Q2; English hymn, namely? (4,2,4,3,5) L??? ?? ??p? ?n? G?o?? Q3; Raise the ante thus, as i put out(2,2) u? i? Q4; For some its a...
27a; one of Asia's largest cities? (8) ???n?h?? 29a; Models of excellence? (8) ???a?o?? 28a; Fears whats sadder possibly? (6) d?s?d? 22d; An outstanding individual in any field? (6) ?e?i?? 25d;...