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Morty Vicar

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Today, I read on the internet that Rav Singh the Assistant Editor of Reveal magazine was going to join the Sun Newspaper team. I'm just re-assuring you all that this is a complete rumour. I phoned...
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Heard on the news today , that the latest parasite ...sorry 8th in line to the throne was christened today. I must say I was overcome with indifference. You can guess my views. Do you think we have a...
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you are all imposters , i am the only person left on ab that is genuine, convince me otherwise. I am just back from the pub though so it will not be dificult for you i believe anything.
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Hi Last year the sectional fence between us and our neighbours finally started to fall apart. I asked our neighbours if it was ok for us to replace the panels at our cost. They said they didn't want...
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Is there a way that i can obtain information about a buildings history such as its previous usage, panning documents, previous owner etc? Just wondering if i can do this online or should i go to the...
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Poor little orphan that intravenously drips all its little pearls of wisdom all over this site as I need words in its shell like. outside the ring And ozzie I saw what you said in suggestions so be...
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Todays word is CLONE. What does it mean to you , in your own words ? Typos blah blah its ok etc etc .
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They've finally arrested someone for murdering Rhys.,,30100-1 312894,00.html
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only one wondering what the AB ed is suppose to be editing? they are ignoring the stuff that is going on here yet posting their "AB ASKS" segment
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How original
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Just been going through some of todays threads. Some really thought provoking and interesting discussions going on. A new blog from the AB editor, new members joining in and no unpleasantness...
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Just watchin tv.And in the programme someone says. we dont regret the things we do ..... ..... WE ONLY REGRET THE THINGS WE DIDNT DO . Discuss amongst yourselves. Is this true ?
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wee willie
a schizo
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Morty Vicar
My 9 year old has just asked me why soap operas are called soap operas. I have no idea. Can anyone help, please?
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some folk ======================= have been =======================================================moaning************* about ==============scrolling ???????????i say &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& wtf...
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Let me jump forward a few months. What would be the perfect picnic tucker, assuming one has all the necessary fundamentals of a wicker basket, cooler and tartan blanket ??
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Are you still around ? Speak to me !!!
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Hey Ed, how about changing the rules to include scrolling in the word count to prevent idiots from messing up the threads?
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What is it about ANSWERBANK and some of its less intelligent users , that they think its funny , nay hilarious , to post that folk are child sexual abusers and kiddy fiddlers ? What sort of inadequate...

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