My daft daughter apparently discovered yesterday that it was great fun to suck her lips right into a Sherbet fountain tube and did it many times before my husband noticed and stopped her. Last night I...
Hi all i am looking to get a job as a accountant but wanted to do a course that will help me with this at college or a home course, but im not sure what course would be recognised and what would be...
Although the courts have charged the offenders with a crime no punishment has yet been given. This will take place in bloc by the crown court sometime in the near future. However if the crimes are to...
We love Pimms No/1 and have consumed quite a bit during the warm weather but it does work out expensive at £16.00 a bottle. Does anyone know of a substitute that is more or less the same but...
We received notification of two unsuccessful jobs through the post today and the envelope was sellotaped, didn't think anything of it. Partner informs me that people in the village have noticed mail...
I paid in two cheques into my Santander account. They have been cashed, but have been placed in someone elses account. I keep being fobbed off by the bank, they'll look into it and come back to me,...
I'm giving James Frey's "The Last Testament of the Holy Bible" a go. It's alright, but it suffers from voices which feel really inauthentic, which is particularly problematic as the story is...
isn't it time to scrap the Go Compare adverts? They get worse and worse, and the latest are seriously stupid. That guy is such an overrated singer anyway
Been away on hols so I've only just caught up with the last 2 episodes of the excellent Case Histories. (Tried to read the books but couldn't get into them) Jason Isaacs is great as the rather...
Can anyone recommend a really good insect repellent. I've tried most of the stuff on the shelves, but have yet to find one that actually works. I'm hoping there's something out there on the internet...
we are planning to go away for two weeks at the the start of aug. a family holiday and to celebrate my 40th birthday (gulp) but we haven't managed to book anything so far.can anyone recommend anywhere...
Their is a new person starting in our workplace, he;s the son-in-law of the boss. he seems Ok, but there is some people that cant help thinking, that he's going back to the boss and reporting things,...
Bruno Mars's "The Lazy Song" tells how he would spend a day doing "nothing at all". Two lines go ... "Meet a really nice girl Have some really nice sex" So, if you...
Are there any tunes you positively hate? My particular hate is The 1812 Overture by Tshaikovsky. I would run a mile rather than listen to that (that should be walk rather slowly aided by a stick, but...
I recently left my staff position to go to another company as a self employed ltd company. I am now unsure about the job, but it helped me get the step into self employment. What I would like to know...
Is there a way to go in them without flying business class nowadays?
I flew from Gatwick once and as an incentive to put my car in a certain carpark I was offered this privilage....
There is no room in Sport for such vile behaviour, just what makes such deep set hatred against another's religion? I refer to the Celtic manager having nail bombs sent to him through the post and...