Last two: 12a purgative made from aloes and bark (5-5) H - R - A - I - - - 26a trading of favours with politicians to obtain beneficial legislation (3-7) - O - R - - - I - G Many thanks
Stuck on last two.
3D a sea-monster that supposedly licked dew off the rocks (9) R - - - A - I - E
10A a genus of leguminous plants (5) A - R - -
6A appears to be the same clue as 21D.
21D gives 'Swan Lake' which looks correct.
6A seems to be 'Aladdin' which doesn't fit the clue.
Anybody else got this problem please?
6d A North African esparto grass A - - -
11a A do-nothing Merovingian King of France, for example - - I - E - N -
24a A Negroid peopleof West Africa - - S -
Any ideas please?