Please can anyone settle a difference of opinion in the Doubtfire household. We would like to visit the Republic of Ireland next year. Mrs. D seems to think that we don't need passports to travel...
An environmental charity I work for powers a battery operated radio from a dynamo on a stationary bicycle which children can pedal in order to listen to the radio. The trouble is when they do there's...
I've just noticed an unusual plant growing through my neighbour's hedge into my garden. I've not seen it before and they went on holiday earlier in the year to Tibet. I'm wondering if they brought...
I've just found out that our daughter's purchasing a pair of WESC bongo headphones in the hope of using them on her new Ipod touch. Would I be correct in thinking that the impedance, which is 33 ohms,...
In Stephen King's third novel, The Waste Lands, of his Dark Tower series, he refers to a train breaking the sound barrier. Now, I know a chap like King would do his research but is the...
Okay. The sky's blue because the light from our sun collides with the oxygen and nitrogen atoms, colours with shorter wavelengths are scattered more (violet and blue) our eyes are more perceptible to...
I had to drain the plumbing system (cistern only but I think this syphoned half the cylinder?). Now after refilling the system the hot water taps flow for about 5 - 10 seconds before stopping. It...
Has anyone ever had a problem with clean washing coming out of the machine with a strange smelly tinge to it. Not so much of a smell as it comes out of the machine but when it has dried on the line in...
I am trying very hard to get some work published. I have 2 kids story books (and more to come) and my autobiography. The trouble is this. I'm a"nobody". I haven't climbed Everest, nor have I...
I want a realistic setting for my Fantasy/Romance book based in UK, so please name me some you know and consider suited to above criteria. Additional details would be more welcome If not just give me...