Having alot of trouble with this quiz. welcome any imput on the following:- 3 Shield everyone 17 Action replay was initially in this ballad 19 Keep well hidden behind this fishy section 25 The method...
Any help please on these 4 37) DEORR ( 3 2 5) = 44) 2 Dice showing 1 dot and 3 dots (8) = 33) c morn (and a bowler hat) (4,6) = and No 45 DOWNING with a arrow pointing to the right on top of the O...
no.12 One at the Junction(7) no.13.Along length of cloth to gain this(4) No.46.Mr Cameron says hug one No.47.Its alright to go into Martin,s favourite sofa shop(5) Formal wear for a turle perhaps(9)...
Can you help please? 1) Canberra (cane in very black type) 7-10 letters 2) MUMBO (large letters very black type) 5-5 letters 3) Prince-Way. Shakespeare - Weigh. Wordsworth - Whey
Does anyone have the answer to 21,22 d? Bias - in capital, it's inclination to the right. (5,4) We are stuck as so many other clues relate to this one.
Can't believe that nobody has had problem with shed this week. We are stuck on 14ac reversal of crime involves time with a society devoted to it - we have ?o?? ?o?t?a (4,6) Also 13d Artist and soldier...
we are stuck on 1d - Baseline match figures produced by him? 2d - One less retailer, maybe, subject to my changes? 17d - Major rebellion in the pool, so to speak. Any ideas would be gratefully...
we are stuck on No 42 - This one is uninhabited and consists entirely of a volcanic plug. You might also enjoy it with a salad. (5,5) The answer is a country
Can someone please tell me if there is an error in the puzzle on page 42/43 Longleat word and grid, I cannot find any of the words in the grid, is my eyesight failing me. Thanking you for your help.
2d stipling fits in but seems to be used more for painting .Anyone help please i'v'e really tried hard this week & I'm sure it's probably easy but not for me