Which word is odd one out because it does not link with a common word( knife?) Blade,Bowie,bread,bush,carving,clasp,edge,fight,garden,paper,pen,pleat,pocket,point, pruning Any suggestions welcomed !...
Which word is odd word out because it does not link with a common word( I can't think of the common word!!) Build,rare,dry,sherry,happy,size,height,wave,prize, well Any help gratefully appreciated....
Answers are boys names:-
1) A place and a fowl.
2) Sounds like what the doctor does in Scotland.
Thought of Stephen for no. 1 , but not convinced
Thanks in advance for any suggestions....
The answer to this clue contains the letters "M" and. "S " (no number if letters given):-
A blue city apart perhaps.
Any help greatly appreciated as this is the last one.Thanks in advance....
I have completed the honeycomb on page 11, but cannot make any sense of the answer is it one net or net one? Cannot get another word reading round the letters in the answer comb. Anyone else got...
Which is the odd word out because it does not link with a common word:
(Common word "food?)
Any help appreciated,thanks...
Which is the odd word out because it does not link with a common word: Barrel,belly,chop,fat,loin,pie,pulled,roast ,wings I am presuming the common word is "pork" and am torn between barrel and wings...
2) Get rid-like a snake. 9) Turn the ancient burial ground. 12) This one isn't filled with beer or cola. 16) Our feline's favourite sweet. 18) Strikers fight with swords round the edge. 19) Sound as...
1) first- back - loose 2) over- under - some 3) front- floor- clothes 4) wind- over- out 5) deep- stroke- seeker Thought of cut or foot for no. 1,time for no. 2, shop or line for no. 3, break for no 4...
6) Good angling ground? 8) What place Springs to mind? 10) Not quite a forest! 19) A good brand of whisky 20)A royal crossing 21)A royal rtesidence Wondered if 6)Fisherford? 8)Banff? 19) Glenlivet?...
Proverb/Saying: I.L.M.A.M Trees: 12) Sounds to be suffering 13) Has someone been her with a drill? Flowers: 1) Bobby Darin Song (3words) 2) Sounds like detective Mason's little finger Wondered if (13)...
Has anyone managed to find the answer to the puzzle on page 36- placing words in a grid to read the answer downwards? I cannot get a sensible answer with the possibilities! Also struggling with the...