what is the music when frost is letting his laptop translate all those papers things(anceint scripts or somthing), when hes sat down listening to his cd player
Is there a programme-software that makes the computer talks?? I mean a programme where you can type a message or a text and then the computer speaks it! ??
Is it possible to save real media files onto your hard drive? To be specific i want to save the file at http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcone/ident_ram/festival.ram . i have found out that a .ram file is...
What is the song played in the advert where everythings in slow motion? The only lyrics i know are, 'now the sparks are gonna fly', and come on baby, don't drown me this time'. if it helps there's...
I believe that the colour of an object is determined by the light it absorbs. i.e. a white object absorbs maximum light and thus appears white. A black object absorbs no light and therefore appears...
on this site: http://www.paganmoonlight.com/ there is a picture which I REALLY want. It is of a lady dressed in blue holding a moon and a sun. please can you tell me how i can get hold of it? whenever...
What is the name of the music that plays when programs on the BBC are either entering a break or right at the end of a break? You know the bit where it shows a logo of the BBC and a snippit of music...
What is the music from the peugeot 206 ad wirh the Indian guy smashing, crashing and doing some advanced DIY job on his old "trabi" to look like a brand new 206?