I am 22 and have been unemployed since 6th January , I asked the job centre for help but they only offer careers advice if someone has signed on for 6 months or more. I haven't had any ? yet as it is...
My son has been employed on a part time basis (sat/sun) since May last year and has not got a contract of employment. He has been paid weekly (a week in hand) since then until just after xmas. The...
Have i missed an episode? friday joe is falling through the window now sonya is out of prison! Nothing has been explained,if joe is dead how do the police know for sure that he did kill pauline? Im...
Hi, does anyone know who is actually responsible for the garden fence that divides your house and the neighbours ? Ours has blown over today, but who is liable for the repairs ? Any guidance much...
i want a career/job in office work. i have been working 4 waterstones for a while. i have got qualifications in the ecdl and administration level 2. hwere do i start!?
Did anyone else notice the mess they made of the news this morning, first of all I watched the Anglia news girl talking to people then doing her hair in the cameras, then I think I watched the same...
I really should know how to make one but i have to admit that i don't!.. How many eggs do i use? Do i add milk or water? And If i want to put something in it, like cheese or mushrooms for example at...
Please help, my last employer took it extremely personally when I left her company, I had accommodated her in every way I could, I worked bloody hard and she would occassionally give me a bonus to...