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reveries or 1977 fleetwood mac single ?????s I can only find rumours but it does not fit any help appreciated
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stuck on two 1a brown secures best alternative for nuclear treaty ??s? / ??n 9a drunk deeply,i.e.sozzled,putting away litre ??e / ???d
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the answers are probably obvious but I am stuck on last two 25a suspend guy ???y 26d note the different power ??e?h
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15a toady tapped regularly into record l?p?o? is the answer Lapdog
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can anyone help me with the answers to 10 across, 13 across, 14 down and 7 down in todays crossword please..thanx in advance
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13 dn 10 letters bizarre south island development excludes south! 25 ac 6 and 4 letters is it 'prison camp'?
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missus b
fought to be rejected 8 letters and old char mixed with coal product 7 letters any ideas?
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6a instrument initially not out of tune - a - p harp fits but cant see why it could be the answer any help appreciated
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12a sailors aim could be 10 if you replaced daughter d - y / - a - s 20a announced sudden increase in cloth cant decide if it is surge or serge . any help appreciated
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11a seethe quietly at onset of slow decay - m- - - e - r
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fragile mosquito-like insect occurring in dancing swarms, especially near water
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27a Left a daughter in eastern state before western one r - - - c -l
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27 a work aboutgoing after old mandolin r - b - c - a 11 a regular slices of prize pastry,is the answer pie ?
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8 dn 8 letters ruler keeps constant speed 21 dn 7 letters how idiot behaves inan english cathedral city 30 ac 6 letters d?e?r? boring back into derry's walls
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19 ac 7 and 6 letters exotic tales,mad things behind the pub taken over by scotsman 23 ac 7 and 3 letters small change in marital act creates harsh regime
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19a secluded spot for mp,s holiday - e- e -s 18d part of 6 perhaps perils at sea - l - e - s
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4 dn 8 letters reserved track in cyprus,clew bay,not beachy head. 8 dn 7/7 letters cabinet portfolio:herding giraffes for ian.
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1 dn 1/5/5/3 letters composure shown in row during a late meal on border 6 ac 5/4/5 letters useful tool if mary's new skis need repairing
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spoken during revolutionary piece c - o -a - e is it chorale if it is it doesnt seem to fit the definition in the on lie dictionary
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answer, please. to 29d. u.k. group formed in 1973; first hit sungle sleepwalk in 1980 u-t-a-o(8 letters)

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