Is this 52A/54A/48D enigma as simple as it isn't, or have I lost the plot completely? Heyerdahl really does not have the T of sitar in it, does it? I'm starting to question my own ability to...
28a giving way 8 letters 13a no matter what 7 letters w - a - e - r 22a atremble 7 Letters. And a sun dried brick 5 letters. Sorry but in a rush to see if Newcastle can beat Liverpool.
2 to go..... 12d: Wickedness (9) I have T*R*I*U** 25a: Mistaken (9) I have **R*N*E*S I believe 25a should be ERRONEOUS but that would mean 17d LUCERNE is incorrect. Any help greatly appreciated
Stuck beyond being stuck, so would appreciate any help.. 11a. Eye with malicious satisfaction (5). g***t 13a. Furtive inmanner (7). h*n***g 7d. Audible (5). a**** Also is 10a sensitive or sensitize?...
Total mindblank on last three... 1a: Convincing demonstartion (6,6), I've got *b*e**/*e*s*n 8a: Be slack about duty (9), I've got b*c*s***e 4d: End of some animals (4), I've got nothing! Any help...
Could be blanket, cable, or garter. (6) I've got s-i-c-, but cannot see the answer, although switch fits in the boxes but not sure if that's the answer!! It's the last one and I'm getting annoyed!
Last three can anyone help. 29a, It seperates Italy and hte Balkan penninsular, -d-i-t-c-e- 18d, Shares allocated in abonus issue (financial) s-r-p 40d, Dutch astronomer who helped to understand the...