please can i have some hints for the following.Have tried everything i can think of.Many thanks 34) neil 4,7 (you must have a row doing this) 95) first score in bag turns the joint.Painful!(6,5) 97) A...
A numerical 'crossword' of a while ago based on 60 and 120 degree triangles.. a sq +/- ab + b sq = c sq. c is theside facing the angle. It was not known whether 60 or 120 deg. a b and c are all...
12. A rich man named Stuart Laidlaw had been counting his money. When he finished, he accidentally left a $1000.00 bill on his desk but when he returned for it a short while later, it was gone. Only...
A boat is at anchor. Over the side hangs a rope ladder with rungs a foot apart. The tide rises at a rate of 10 inches per hour. At the end of six hours, how much of the rope ladder will remain above...