7d, For instance, is taken in by extreme bighead (7) ??O?I?T
Is the answer Egotist
26a, Victoria and others appearing in shorter miniskirts (7) T?????I...
8d, Layers visible in stone a sailor turned over (6) S???T?
Is this Strata Please
23a, Fellow from Exeter or Lincoln, perhaps, or central England (7) O?O?I?N
Is this Oxonian Please...
18a, By orchard, eat rotten type of food (12) ??R?O??D????
19d, Contact one in road accident (5) ?A???
21d, Start operation to incise cavity of the ear (4) O???...
I am going to leap to a conclusion, but I would expect most decent people would think that a father dragging his naked (yes, naked) 14 year old son through the streets as punishment for breaking a...
12a, Number attains these quirks (12) ???E?????I??
10d, Belligerent giant's action overturned (12) A?????N?????
13d, Where key staff used to be employed (6,4) ????N? / ????...
Crossword in You Magazine
23a answer is 'Armageddon' but that puts a 'g' in 21d where the answer is 'reacts'
I can find only one spelling for Armageddon. What is wrong...
http://tinyurl.com/6l6cwjc Is the Golly offensive enough to cause two Prospective Tory councillors to quit, or are they victims of political correctness? Please do not just condemn them just because...