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Has anyone heard of Profit by Property, or been involved with them? They sold fractional ownership in property, at first in London, then in Spain, then earlier this year moved all their operations to...
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Breton Rouge
Hope someone out there can help me pse. Have just bought a v. small 19th Century cottage in the country that has a back wall that is built into the side of a hill. 95 per cent of the property is...
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I recently applied for a civillian position in my local police force and despite making it through to the final stage interview, I received a call to say that I had been rejected for the position....
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I have a joint mortgage with my brother can i take my name from the but still keep it on the deed?
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I have had a letter re the question title The incident happened on an Asda carpark. I was backing out of a space and had got the car out two thirds of the car legnth Another car backed out and i felt...
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I live in a new development of 20 houses and one of the houses is multi occupant let by a landlord/owner who does not live there. One of the covenants of the development says that the properties are...
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jan smith
what was the day held by benjamin disraeli that queen victoria founded
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We are in a property dispute with our neighbours, we have just found out he has a buyer and exchanged contracts. He declared the problem with us to his buyers, but we have found out that he hasn't...
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I'm supposed to be doing Jury Service starting tomorrow, and I've gone and lost the summons that I was sent. Aparently it's very important that I take it with me on the first day at court. What should...
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Harry h
I own a house which i am going to rent out, can i have the income paid to my wife as she is a low earner.
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Does anyone remember the grocery shop in Acton called David Greig? They were there until the 1960s at least and I thought that they were part of a chain.
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Mr Jagger
Following on from the question below..... My girlfriend's grandmother passed away recently and as a result she is to inherit her grandmother's house. (it's going through probate right now) The house...
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I have just watched this claptrap and I defy anyone to tell me what this complete and utter rubbish is about
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Hi hope this is the right forum, 6 months ago I moved into a 1930's house, prior to moving it was supposed to be have been treated for beetle infestation. I am now finding what I think may be woodworm...
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I have a house that was leasehold but I purchased the lease 15 years ago. I have a receipt from the freeholder but I understand that this needs to be registered with Land Registry. The original owner...
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if the vendor pulls out before exchage of contracts am i still liable for my solicitors costs (contracts are signed but looks like sale is going to fall through,thats how close it is !)
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I have a terraced house and my neighbour has taken his roof tiles off his roof. (Did he not see the weather forecast for the midlands!?) My hall ceiling has come down because there is water coming...
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My local council has continued to take money out of my account for 4 months when I have notified them I have moved property. I finally got through to the complaints dept who have now issued my refund...
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Does anyone know of a poem about a viking burial. I don't know the actual title but think it may have been written by Thomas Moore. Your help would be appreciated.
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I have been married for three years. My husband purchased our marital home before we were married. His name is on the the title deeds. He pays the mortgage at the moment. The mortgage is in his name...

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