I have been doing some research on the proposed invasion plans for the invasion of Japan in 1945/6 ( negated by the use of the atomic bombs ) The scale of the plan is astounding , for instance the...
I was told that the Mona Lisa's real name was actually the Italian term for "pretty lady." I'm not sure if this is true, but if it is i want to know why she's know called the mona lisa.
I have already posted a question on this but I will be more specific, my ex-wife lives in the property, I live elsewhere. How do I serve the notice when my ex refuses to accept it. All I want to...
My 3 year old pond has gone stagnant. Usually the water is clear and smells earthy. Now it smells rotten and there are mosquito larvae in it. I'm not certain, but here are a number of factors that...
Hi all, i would like to know what you call when for instance you can see another picture hidden inside a picture? I can remember seeing one when I was younger and it was of an old gentlemans face with...
My uncle recently died and left his 50% share of the family home and his assets to his son including personal cash which hasnt shown up in the will and a car and land which is listed.As my aunt is...
I have an Olympus Camedia C-150 and have a 16mb XD card that came with it. I have recently bought an Olympus XD M 1GB card to use with it so I can store more photos. When i put it in and switch camer...
When I took on my job 2 years ago, I signed the contract, as you do. I didn't question the section about leaving the role, as that wasn't on my mind at that point, I was just starting, I thought I'd...
I've just started to paint in watercolours,I'm trying to do a cloudy sky but my colours look muddy.Can anyone give me some tips on how to overcome this and any other hints would be...
My Partner and I recently bought a bungalow and had 2 surveys done, one was a home buyers as part of the mortgage and another was an independant one, neither survey came up with any notice of...
Hello, My mum doesn't approve of my boyfriend and is scared he is going to hurt me. I've been with him for 18 months, and everyone knows he would never do anything to hurt me. If anything, it'd be me...
Hi, my partner and our friend was involved in a scuffle with my ex. My ex, although we separated in March, was harrassing me via email at work, text and phone calls. On a works night out in town, my...
My name is Kathleen Lawler. I was on the internet trying to find out who to contact. I purchased a doll for my daughter. She put the money in my account to pay for the doll. This Doll was bought...
Our mother passed away and we want to have her house,with no mortgage put in all our name,three sisters,One sister is on the deed now.Do we have to go to a lawyer or just find the right document and...