Does anyone have any one-liners like these? "I'm not racist, I've got a colour TV." "I come from a musical family - even the sewing machine was a singer"
I have to organise a memorial service in June for assorted families of people who have died this year. We have a brilliant male singer who is coming to perform whilst the relatives light a candle each...
Does anyone agree with me that to some extent the robbers should somehow be admired for actually having the guts to carry out a crime like this. How incredible would it have been if they were never...
Last night i heard a dance song from about 5 years ago, I'm not sure who sings it or what it's called but the lyrics go something like this-" la, de, da, da la." This goes on for a while. The singing...
Can anyone help me? Im looking for a song that goes *I wish.....* then *say it loud, say it clear, for the whole wide world to hear* I want the version that is sung by a woman. Thanx RIch.
Does anyone know the name of this famous french song, i think it was big in the 80's. It is in in french but sounds like the beach boys style of music. The chorus goes something like, whoo whooo whoo...
For my year 11 prom at the end of the year everyone has to choose a song that will be put on a jukebox for the night. I want to choose something that is not too well known but has something special to...