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Anybody up, I'm very very drunk
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Like most of you, i have a perfectly "normal" family life. I have Two kids, aged 9 and 5. Perfectly good relations with our significant others, but why do we spend an exorbitantly long time on...
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Goin to bed happy now cos i am back on Froggers, so gonna go to work tomorrow and earn lots of money selling beautiful shoes to lots of ugly women who will only ruin them, and then I can chat all...
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Whats the longest swear word you know? Mine is ****************************************************************************
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quick everyone check out my answer on the "Family" thread below before it gets removed!!!!!! Go Go Go!!
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How is it i have only got one brother but my sister has two?
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Is it true a single molecule of human DNA can stretch to over 3 foot long?
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Amron (nutter) has spent ?150 for two Foo Fighter tickets.  Who would you pay serious money to see?
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guys i'm struggling to get online tonight, it's doing ma heed right in. nephew wants to go on cebeebies (it's pure mince). anyway you guys still no talkin tae me??
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eight yesterday six today, oh and six answers removed and two warnings in two days from big ED are my questions really that awful? I think i'm being singled oot!!
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Humans shed 30g of skin a day? Or that Coca Cola only sold about 9 bottles a day in its first year of release in 1886? Or that the longest one syllable word in english dicshunnary is scraunched?
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Learn Chinese in 5 minutes... (You MUST read them out loud)1) That's not right ....................... Sum Ting Wong2) Are you harbouring a fugitive?........ Hu Yu Hai ding3)  See me...
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Anyone with kids at school - do they still play games in the playground like we did. Please mother may I, What's the time Mr Wolf, Stuck in the Mud etc. what games do you remember?
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Is anyone else scared to click on red links that look dodgy when they are added to responses, I am.  So far I have avoided it but has anyone else done it, tell me if it is bad.
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And was it life-inspiring or simply an entertaining yarn?
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Why does my dog hump other people?
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what is the advert that was on a few years ago that featured the song cool for cats?

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