Oh my, what is all the fuss about with regards people relying on others for the answers to their puzzles. I appreciate help now and again. We have 'Freedom of Speech' in this Country, surely 'Freedom...
Many thanks to you all for your help with clues posted this morning. I have sussed out a couple more, but i swear my brain has gone on strike. Posting a few more as follows, 'The Age of a Book', 'The...
I cut the You Mag crossword out last night, and realised this morning i had missed 2 clues, (i WAS tired) unfortunately the rest of the paper was disposed of ! Help please, 6d and 25a. Thank you. x
i know this has been posted but just cant find it, 2d a navigable canal enclosure, spent ages over the Dictionary, and it,s going to be something so simple.. aaaargh thank you
For some time now, I have published my solutions to certain Newspaper crosswords, purely to allow other enthusiasts to compare their results with mine. During that time, I have received about six...
all words in the answers start with the same letter 1. tea dance 3 3 3 2.master of 'jess' 7 3 3.pompous fussy person 7 5 4. a vip 3 3 5. ban this pub game 3 9 6.tiny blonde becomes creator of this...
I am so undecided which company i should switch to for duel fuel ! Martin advises folks to switch by Monday and cap their prices, as fuel costs are going to go sky high ! As a pensioner living on my...
!. Bond's Duck 2. Sweet out of Strong 3.Nursery Blondie's Triple Choice 4. Offered with Incense of Holiness ( Gold seems the obvious choice, but is there an alternative)
I have been trying to track down the music used by Matt and Flavia in last weeks show. It started off, 'Tick Tock' Tick Tock' I dont know if this is the title or not, does anybody know it please.
Could anyone on answerbank answer this question please,I think it's Yorkshire am I right. Thankyou for any help. What is the largest county in England.
Please can anyone help with the name of the site which gives the answers to the Mail on Sunday Crossword. My computer gave up the ghost and I lost all my favourites list ,(which with hindsight I...