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After morning sedatives.... Just had a game of pool with one of the staff. Could barely hit the que ball let alone pot one lol.    
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Enjoying proper food again after months of living off crisps. First night getting a full 8 hours sleep as well. My son. His GF and granddaughter visiting later, staying overnight at mine and... ...
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At least that's what it's beginning to feel like, lol. Just had morning meds, be dribbling in my cornflakes soon...  
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Only managed get 4 hours sleep despite been given 20 mill of valium before bed. Woke at 5 and made a cuppa. A few days ago I would wake at 5 and swig vodka. Just had a cocktail of meds and waiting... ...
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Feel as rough as old boots but the staff are fantastic.
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in a detox unit after 6 months of trying. Going for it, wish me luck. If you dont then sod off because i couldnt care less about your lack of empathy towarwds your felow human beings. There was once... ...
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When you are on a Q & A site and then get accused of been selfish or whatever, for asking questions? Find it bizarre frankly. 
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How old are you all then? (I'm 57)
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Where does one begin and the other end? Could be argued that this be in B&S but its a wider discussion.  My 41 Yr old nephew is currently in intensive care. He has congenital spina biffida and... ...
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Not been on for a while?  
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I was arrested on Tuesday and kept in the cells overnight. I am in breach of a 12 month conditional discharge and due to appear in court on 2nd Jan. Both offences were relativly minor and I know... ...
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Agnostic...I don't know. Atheist...Nowhere. Consciousness is a product of the brain and it dies when I do. JW's and others...The elect are chosen to live and the rest cease to exist. Muslim...Muslim... ...
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Not a single firework going off here...
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non-dysfuntional family? Speaking to a few of my friends recently and it seems apparent that there isnt such a thing.... Looking back, everyone that Ive ever known has had some sort of family trauma... ...
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Its never been a secret that I have an acolcohol problem on all the years that I have been on here... And this year its got out of conrol again. Im trying to address it. Getting messed about.... Some... ...
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Visited his widow today. (Theyre both in their late 70's) Been friends for many years. Felt so awkward having a coffee with just one of them there.   How do you make smalltalk with someone who has... ...
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Since my teeenage years... When I became a christan and then studied the bible in depth. I then became a non believer in religion but thought that there MAY be something to it Eventually began... ...
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I'm well aware that I can be one of the most negative posters on here at times. But lets turn that around.... This morning I received a call from the detox unit to ask a few questons pre admission.... ...
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Going to esculate in to a world wide event (just donning my tin foil hat) 😂
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Ive posted before about not owning a tv. (A bit like vegans always have to let you know that they are vegans the minute you meet them, I know..)   But my sister and her new BF paid a visit a couple... ...

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