Not only are Afghan women forced to cover themselves from head to toe in public, they are denied an education too - and now their voices must not be heard either. They are complete nonentities. ... ...
What things have you never done that seems that everone else (of your generation) has? For me (aged 58) Ive never seen Star Wars. Never sung at a Karaoke. Never been camping.
Its a repeating patern Was arrestest tuesday night for assaualting two of my neighbours who have each been friedsbfor over 20 0 yrs. obiodsly i was drunk but got no memory. j. lAst people on on earth... ...
I normally order my various potions and elixirs through Patient Access, have done for years now but suddenly I get "Sorry, your GP practice has not made this service available to you." Any ideas as... ...
This might belong in law. I'm asking because I occasionally hear the singing of hymns coming from the block of maisonettes opposite mine...always on a Saturday. The flats are a mix of owner... ...
Don't know where it is. know that i have a police interciew but cant remeber when. lost it all. intervew was due to take place while i was in a detox unit. loks like that isnt going to take place... ...
Just checked profile. I posted in B&S. Got no memory at all. Hardly any memory since Tuesday. Getting really freaked out now. If you want to abuse me, crack on. Water of a ducks back now. But I am... ...
Have to admit to being really grateful for the support Ive had on here over the years when ive been going through the mill, the tech advice when when having tech issues (becuse im a tech thickie)... ...
I'm certain children are forced to grow up too fast and too soon these days. My 9 year old daughter is in her last week of her summer holidays, but she just blurted something out to me today when... ... The first people to be jailed after the Stoke riots. From the article... // Deana Evans filmed the... ...
Before mobile phones were widely used I remembered loads of familyand friend's phone numbers but now I know absolutely none. I don't even know my own number. We've given up our landline and I... ...
I just hate it when I reach the top of the stairs and one of my slip on slippers falls of my foot and makes its way all the way back down to the bottom of the stairs , forcing me to go back down... ...
Just thought you'd like to know, I am going on the wagon for a month starting now. I invite you to join me and maybe kickstart your own campaign. I've had too many boozy sessions of late and I've... ...
What artist(s) do wish that you COULD have seen but never got round to it? For me it would be Queen. One of my regrets in life that I never got to see them live.
I seem to get varying opinions on my vocals depending on the song. How is my singing here? Would appreciate some feedback. Thanks :) ...
All creatures great and small. All things wise and wonderful The Lord God drowned them all. (Genesis 6-9) Except Satan and his demons. He let them carry on to wreak havoc. Strange God that Christians... ...