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Where people get this idea that God causes suffering in this world? Am worried as my teachings have taught me that it has more to do with our free will, than God causing it, but maybe wrong, can...
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Israel fought four major wars, in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. West Point don't study Israeli tactics, because they don't make sense! They should have lost on all four occasions! Even atheistic military...
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Hi All Just wanted to wish you all a great Lughnasadh! ?<? U
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I know that Santa Claus exists. He is real. You must believe me or you will perish for all eternaty. Santa loves you and wants to be kind and loving to you. He has given you all such wonderful gifts...
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Just been reading through Theland's Jerusalemn post, and it brought to mind the strength of opionion people have of Christians. Why do people seem offended if you are Christian, Makes no difference if...
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We Christians are commanded by Christ to tell all the world of the good news of the Gospel of salvation. We tell Jews about Jesus, the Jews tell us to get lost! We as Christians MUST evangelise, it is...
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*****SPOILERS****** DO NOT READ IF YOU DONT WANT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED What are your opinions on the book? Personally I thought the second half of the book was brilliant. I enjoyed the fast pace start...
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I was just wondering that if, hypothetically speaking, an athiest dies and it turns out there was a God and they come before him is there any chance of that person being allowed into heaven. I must...
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Just been to visit Mrs. wizard in hospital. Upon opening her locker I found a copy of the Gideon bible lying there. Now, what gives the Gideon society the right to leave this horrible book in places...
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In the Bible story David and Goliath, which army did Goliath belong to?
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A most interesting religious site
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I'm interested in people's different beliefs (unlike some people on this site). I like to have an open mind and always like to more more. I don't know much about Paganism except that they revere...
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I would beat the living daylights out of the sick twisted B@*?ard............he has obviously got issues to put us through this ****!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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There's all this poolava these day about global warming and all the rest and how it's all us human beings and no one else's fault. I was just wondering does anyone else think, like me, that if it gets...
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What do you say: Dinner & tea, Lunch & dinner, or Lunch & supper ?
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Another question that's been bothering me is: what if Adam and Eve had never disobeyed God? There wouldn't have been need of the flood for a start. Adam and Eve would still be alive today. God's Son...
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Can prayer cure cancer?
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Is anybody watching the Channel 4 discussion with Jon Snow ? Let them get on with it. They are Arabs, muslims, of whatever sort, and completely poles apart from any grand notion of 'democracy' that we...
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Le Chat
In various posts regarding the Muslim religion, Islam and the terrorist incidents , there are a few respondees who say that they have Muslim friends and they are all disgusted to be linked in any way...

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