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Except - Sara, Lisa and Mikey!!! Everyone else broke rules about discussing nominations in code! Such a fix - they didnt want Luke or Dale to go!!!!!
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Ive just browsed through about 8 copies of the financial times and i feel like smashing my head through a wall. My eyes and body gave up on me after the 2nd copy. This is the first time ive drank...
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Its so bloody quiet on here these days... and lots of chat seems to happen on la Book... so is that where everyone has immigrated to?
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Yes its true... !!! How amazing is that!!?? The four heavenly housemates had to decide on two housemates together, with Stuart fighting for Kat and Darnell but failing! Dale was chosen as he keeps...
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"Darnell are you BLACK!!!???" "Why's your skin white!" "Are your parents COL(stopped herself before she said coloured lol) BLACK?!" How could you want Rachel out!!?? We wouldnt have lines like this...
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Right, me and some of the girls are getting a coach to August.... We're from London but want to go to either one of these places - BRIGHTON LIVERPOOL NEWCASTLE MANCHESTER Any...
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is it me or is she really damaging the rights that women fought for? Men telling her to get her t!ts out and do star jumps and she practically says "How Many?"
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(MISSED YOUR PREVIOUS ANSWERS!!) Soooo according to a la BBC its going to be 27c on Thursday and 29c (!!!!) on Friday! Surely theyll be the hottest couple of days this year?! Anyone have any plans on...
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Soooo according to a la BBC its going to be 27c on Thursday and 29c (!!!!) on Friday! Surely they'll be the hottest couple of days this year?! Anyone have any plans on making the most of our wonderful...
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IM GLAD! He's far more entertaining!
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Anyone available on an entertainment basis? I pay good money per hour. mon-wed as and when required por favor.
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Bisto spuds has been top for aggggges..... thought my page wasn't refreshing!! Whats wrong with everyone? Weather getting you all down>? x
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It's Back!!! Wooo hooooo!!! Enter your teams now!! Even if you hate football and have no idea what you're doing, you get to create your own kit!! Anyway, i know there is still MAHOOOOSIVE transfers to...
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I saw on i think it was on This Morning when they were going through baby products... It was basically a belt sort of thing with a platform that you put to the side of your waist which the little ones...
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Oh my gosh - is this really what Nicole Kidman has named her daughter?!??! What is wrong with these people?!?!
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My mums flats have recently been "developed" alogn with dluble glazing they installed a new floor surface outisde, what was previously concrete is now a smooth and SLIPPERY painted surface. Ever since...
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How terribly disspointing?! I hate it when Davina doesn't give these people a hard time! Davina BARELY touched on the ridiculous painting incident and i think generally gave jen a really easy ride...
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Alan Sugar has stepped down as boss of Amstrad! Does this mean the end of The Apprentice?! By the way, Lee "Yeah man f****** wicked" McQueen, called in sick on his FIRST DAY!

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