13a. All the plant life of an age or region. 5 letters 35a Payments made to copyright or patent holders for use of their work. 9 letters. 8d. Document listing the cargo carried by an aeroplane or...
1a. Highly seasoned kind of pork and beek sausage. 9 letters 37a Keyed metal wind instrument used especially in jazz. 9 letters 21d. Imaginary, unreal, not authentic or genuine; false. 10 letters
20d. Sport which has been called 'the noble art'. 6 letters 9a. Fibrous interior of the fruit of a gourd which is used as a bath sponge. 6 letters 8a. Can you show me the way to this city in Texas. 8...
10a. One such as Giles, still famous for his drawings for our Sunday Express. 10 letters. 4d. Adjust or make rights; correct or remedy. 7 letters 11d. One who practises long-established and generally...
1d. small marine crustacean with a valved shell, which attaches itself to rocks, the bottoms of ships, etc. 8 letters 22a. Hard durable timber used in furniture makeing, etc. from a tree from the East...
27a. Another name for the central Asian snow leopard. 5 letters 3d. Best picture Oscar winner for which Oliver Stone won a Best Director Oscar. 7 letters
12A A round of play in snooker. 5 letters 8D another name for a vending machine. 7 letters 29D one of the crosspieces bridging the stumps in cricket. 4 letters