During the war, if your house was bombed and destroyed did you get compensation from the gevernment to rebuild it? or did the gavenment rebuild it for you?
can any one tell me why my chrysanthemums ( dhalias? how do you tell the difference?) have put up lots of flowerstems and buds . Then the buds hae turned black and not developed. Thanks from a...
Stuck again - I know more about the iris of the eye than I ever didbut I can't fins 'posterior pigment-bearing layer of the iris of the eye'. I have ?V?A. Can't find it anywhere Help please!
Given that most of the questions in the Sports section are about football wouldn't it be better if football had its own section? I know there is now one for the World Cup but we still get more...
Can anyone tell me where to find this crossword and if it is available on line? Living outside UK I only have access to the Weekly Telegraph occasionally. Thanks
Stuck again. Last one 'chamber that allows access to another space whose atmosphere is at a differnt pressure'. Got to end in K if Yankee Doodle is right. Thanks
51a person in a branch of medicine relying on operative manual and instrumental treatment, from the Greek for handwork. AND 34a A ymbol in music indicating a strong initial attack Many thanks