Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 3dn: “Greek character one to exaggerate as fortune-teller (11).” 19dn: “Cat in river gets bony fish (7).” 34ac: “Made effort to have...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 8ac: “Paper first soaked in petrol for American mechanics (9).” 12dn: “Time for a speech, pithy, in separate ways, and light (2,8,3).” 51ac:...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 6dn: “Things once drawn from events worse than Boston tea party? (8).” 7dn: “Give bribe, perhaps, for source of cosmetic ingredient (3,4).”...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 22dn: “Talk over singer, that’s rude ultimately (5).” 23ac: “Boyfriend chasing former PA? (3,3).” 24dn: “Fancy shot taken round central...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please.
18dn: “Hardly the reaction of one in the fast stream (4,4).”
27ac: “Pole and Greek performing in corner where Victoria is (4,4).”...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 11ac: “Rex loudly scrapping with Tim for sweets (5,7).” 20ac: “Tramps round Australia in tears (8).” 23ac: “Preacher, one carrying around...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please.
20dn: “Instrument in Apollo lander: I’m restrained about that (9).”
29ac: “Perhaps, the Opposition article backed by Frenchman (4).”...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 3dn: “Spill jam? Flimsier sandwiches (11).” 14dn: “Prayer wheels crack after Mass (9).” 15dn: “One’s given spades in awful cards (9).”...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 48dn: “Mechanism amplifying forces (5).” 52ac: “Leonhard ——-, Swiss mathematician (5).” 55ac: “Andrew ——- , Russian film director...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 37dn: “Audacity of revolutionary English movement out of India (10).” 41dn: “Powerful politician setting FBI agent after good man Reagan?...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 12dn: “Beast left chamois under screen (7,6).” 44ac: “Cat’s way of acting with long-established right (6).” 45dn: “Spy hero’s ways of...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 38dn: “Board game (10).” 49ac: “Shrub; protective sleeve (4).” 54ac: “Centre for traditional dance (7).” 55dn: “Girl’s Name; space...