Many thanks so far Now stuck on left hand corner 4a Harridan therefore sent back on vessel [6] 10 a vegetable cut,cut and cut again[7] Is it parsnip? 5 d interrogate about ring, a thug [7]
11a Other ranks put in awful place in China? [9] 17d Opening of poem about gold and diamonds [7] Could it be off side and why? 1d Sit up following a storyteller [5] Begins with A Staring this late so...
nearly there but stuck on two [a triumph for me!] 7d Turtles, partners swimming round island [9] T-R-A-I-S 16d Wife stands, seeing vermin [7] W-A-E-S Thanks in advance
Can barely get started today So with grateful thanks to all who help..... 10a a growth that's turned up under one's nose [9,9] 1st word begins with H Sure it is easy..... but.... 3d Risk failure in US...
2d Opening claret first ahead of start of season's hunting? [5,5] B-O-- / -P--- 24a Offer of reconciliation made by girl on section [5,6] 14d Dig down by station [10]
13a Clergyman sacrificing second one in church [7] Begins with P 24a girl fronting group getting ribbon for hair [5,4] 18a Where monopoly players have had to start ever since its creation? [4,3,4,5]...
Can't get going at all Been away and forgotten how! Dish cut into pieces, the old American recalled [4,4] 14a Scan draft star prepared for a movement inspired by Ruskin [4,3,6] 2d One may be on this,...
Still struggling 16a Wear out car part [7] Begins with E -H-U-- 8d Develop film showing traitor [8] Begins with T 18a Lean, adult leader of group diving into lake [6]
Still struggling 16a Wear out car part [7] Begins with E -H-U-- 8d Develop film showing traitor [8] Begins with T 18a Lean, adult leader of group diving into lake [6]