Oscar Wilde thought conversation about the weather was, "the last refuge of the unamaginative, yet we all seem to persist. How long is it since you last mentioned the weather? Thinking back, for me... ...
Hi everyone the last one no longer appears in recent posts... Many know how to play new players are always welcome, they isn't rules as such just post a song lyric that follows on from the previous... ...
Help please I have done lots of questions to this quiz . 14/ He met his end with Bonnie. ( 5.6) 33/ Add an M to make a rodent and H to make a home and an L to become unpleasant ( ( 4) 40/ You are... ...
Shame. BBC have sacked Germaine Jenas. I've always regarded him as their best football pundit, a lot less up his own backside than most. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cy76pdz5152o ... ...
I was leant a book ( in hospital) it was a murder mystery set in an historical English village where a female auctioneer and her divorced husband helped the local bluff policeman solve the... ...
I have just recieved this e-mail ..... is this the normal way to recieve the prize. Are these details normally requested? Congratulations on winning the TLS crossword competition # 1537. Your... ...
Just had to nip up the road and the wind is cold. Have I been asleep for a month? It is still August, I'm sure. How's it where you are? Anyone's central heating switched itself... ...
my Heinz american style burger sauce has no 'use within' date. It has a BB date on the lid - which mid 2025, but usually sauces etc say something like 'once opened consume within 8 weeks' etc