Someone in the office is leaving tomorrow. She was taken on a contract for 6 months and her contract's up tomorrow. She already had a leaving present from us last week where we all chipped in and now...
Hi folks, all of a sudden my printer will not print from my laptop,
cannot think of what I've down, it works an hour ago.
Any ideas folks.
Thanking you...
...drinking water from a bowl I just watered a plant in? I just caught Toby doing this...immediately after he'd been eating and there's fresh water next to his food dish. He's done this before. Weird...
I was fitting some new bath taps this evening. I closed the gate valve which feeds the immersion heater from the tank in the loft to turn off the hot water, without having to drain the tank. Fitted...
Does anyone else use Wordplays crossword solver for help. I'm getting error messages at the moment, such as, Internal Server Error. Some other parts of the site appear to be working alright. I tried...
I was staggered to realise I had owned 20, not all at the same time. I wonder how that figure stands against others here. The only car I ever had that was appreciating in value got stolen 2 days after...
Hi greenfingered ABers out there .... I've just purchased a replacement expandable garden hose ("Magic Hose") - feel sure you all know which ones I mean. There are some instructions which were in the...
Do different makers equipment, if set to the same SSID and password work together easily or upset one another. Basically A Plusnet Router, BT mesh and TP link wireless access point. I've given up...
We have a seat Leon, its only a few years old and keeps saying low battery, so we replaced the battery last year, still happening!!! admittedly we don't do many miles but seriously, what do you think...