i always seem to go for the same curry in take aways and restaurants, its called a lamb pathia and it's very nice but i never seem to try anything off the rest of the menu, what do you...
can i just say that i love the chatterbank section of this site its great just to be able to come on and chat or just say good morning to everyone its fab !!! so good morning everyone hope you all...
Why do so many of the inhabitants of hot countries wear dark clothing? Haven't they realised, after thousands of years, that white reflects the heat and is cooler?
just reading kags post reminded me when i was little mother force feeding malt extract with cod liver oil was this legalised torture or did you like it or was i the only one tortured in this manner ?
My folks were over and we watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It is one of my favourite films, but I think they found it a drag. Is there a generation divide for this film? It gets sadder...
This is proberly a really simple question but i had a discussion with a friend and we were wondering if people who have learnt a second language dream in there first or second eg if my first lanuage...
Further to Seal!'s question, let's see if anyone knows each other, but doesn't know it yet. For example, did anyone on here go to Lea Manor High School or Stopsley High in Luton circa 1979 - 1984?...
Here it is, the hardest question you'll ever have to answer. You have a choice, you can either keep your tv or keep your internet connection. Which would you choose? I'd keep the...
Is the Chatterbank Arms open yet - I'm getting hot and thirsty, grease that pole wrinkley's coming through. Oh and Brenda the Elephant is with me again.
seem to have p****d of my husband, so i am making a public apology to him, as i know he talks on here, probably under this alias. Sorry paul and i hope we can save our marriage. We both need to sort...
Yes, to put your minds at rest, I have indeed eloped with FP. Only gagging (or Robinia is!) Thank you so much for my birthday post Vinny and to Artful, Cat Woman, Dearest Smudge, Jules 001...
So sorry that I forgot to open the pub, apparently Vinny was building castles by the seaside. What sort of a landlord is that? As an apology please feel free to come and have a drink on the house and...
Isn't it time lanes were introduced on busy pavements? The outside lane for people who walk briskly and the inside lane for old people, pushchairs, tourists and the like? I'm sure this would ease...
Had this overwhelming conspiracy theory enter my head. The reasons we went into Iraq was for the WMD that saddam had, now it seems it is not as easy to find and that intelligence is not what they...
To all those AnswerBankers (namely one) that thinks i am a tad arrogant and selfish for not replying that i have bothered to read your answers to my threads, then may i take this opportunity to say...