1d) Excellent fish aint worried (9) ?r???i??? 9a) Carefree bachelor moving supply (6) ???t?e 15a) I would build a nest inside as a substitute (7) ???t?a?
7 down in a covetous way ?v?r?c?o?s?y 19 across parents mother ??a?n?? 19 down washer to protect electrical wire ??o?m?t 10 down failure to be of one mind d?s?g???m?n? I am sure these are really easy...
Help needed with following . 1. 37 = N - on - a - RW (IZ). 2. 40 = D and N - GF. 3. 6 = S of a C. 4. 22 = B on a ST. 5. 1024 = B in a K 6. 4 = I in a H. 7. 6 = C in NI. 8. 21 = S on a D. 9. 2 = B on a...
Answers are about Christmas 1. The way for her majesty to watch over christmas (10,6) 2. Long eared lecturer with list of symbols (6) 3. Christian Celebrations include finish on TV (10) 4. Watched,...
11 down unit for measuring persons age ?????d?r ???? 17 across the word malar describes it c?????o?e 25 across remaining ???u?u?l 1 down irreparable c?a???? ??? Thanks in advance
You really must get this site sorted out...it has been a nightmare and really frustrating for people who contribute. If I am lucky and this message posts, please add to it and I will e-mail Ed...