all answers are a colour or dye 1. There's gold in ivy 2. Comes before lodge, squash and stick 3. The Italian is in a french lake 4. Mark allowed 5. Put up clearly edited headings 6. Look inside and...
30 across: Yankees have ordered teas, frothy (6) Y?A??? 24 down: Choice wriggly eel caught (5) E?E?? As ever, explanation would be a bonus. Many Thanks In Advance
I am trying to complete this infuriating quiz.You have to identify the words give the initials. For example 101 D is 101 dalmations, etc any ideas for 10 C 2 H A B T1 22 B o a s T 8 l o a S 1 S S o a...
I have 2 possible answers for each of the following. Any help appreciated. 32 Reverend Green Colonel Mustard Professor Plum Mrs White Miss Peacock Miss Scarlet 36 X (Curved if yoy know what I mean!)...
29a Distance from a lens at which refracted parallel beams converge 5-6 -O-A- L-N-T- 4d ------Barkley, duo whose song Crazy was the first to reach No1 on download sales alone 6L -N-R-3 Last 2 Thanks...
Can anybody please help me, l have a couple of questions that are flooring me The meaning for a MODERN MALE, the letters l have are SN>G.and if the word joining it downwards is correct (large...
Around Christmas/early January there was a question on AnswerBank trying to identify a song (two words: 9 letters and 4 letters) by one of the 10 most successful artists ever. The clue was TRE. There...