I am on the eastern side of the Rocky Mountains, in Colorado, in the USA. This is considered zone 4/5 for winter hardiness. I have a very successful swarming of Uruguay Ludwigia, gorgeous, but as...
I have a maple tree planted last year since marc/april this year leaves look droopy as if they are going to fall off very listless looking any help?? also I have a eucalyptis tree growing at an...
I have a yucca about 8 feet high. It is not outdoors but will have to come in within a month - and it is too tall. when and how much should I prune it?
a large white, lily-like flower which opens in the morning and closes up at night; a seed pod, not in the flower itself appears on this bushy plant which contain seeds for other flowers. Can you tell...
I have an old and beautiful ficus, which I moved 15 feet. Same light exposure. Now there are little white dots at the leaf juncture--all over. I thought they were mealy bugs--or not? and sprayed...
Magnolia tree alittle over 32 year old has become infested with little nodgels growing all over its limbs and insects of all kinds, flys of all kinds,bees of all kinds are sworming around it. Its...
Our crabapple tree blooms beautifully every spring and seems very healthy, however shortly after the blooms drop off, the tree starts loosing leaves. It's slow at first, but as summer progresses the...