Answers on a postcard please. ....and thank god we took back control from all those unelected foreigners in Brussels. ...
I am surprised that anyone under the age of sixty would still refer to their wife as 'The Wife'. It has always jarred with me, every time I hear or read it. I may be over-thinking this, but I never... ...
....or, former mistress visits unemployed elderly man who has lived his entire life on state benefits and is in a private luxury hospital paid for by the... ...
David Cameron's activities at the scandal hit Greensill finance Co have become a "matter of interest" in a wider investigation by the Serious Fraud Office.. Cameron was right then when he said... ...
I have gooled it, and like always theres a boat load of reasons why, some say this some disagree so over to you. A get like a buzzing sensation now and again on the bottom of my foot, almost like... ...<br />Would you fancy a trip on it with nearly 10,000 (passengers and... ...
If you had 2 people working in the same workplace doing the same job and hours, but one was paid the going rate and the other was a volunteer. Who do you think would get away with breaking more of... ...
Michelle Mone and Husband have had £75 million of assets frozen as NCA investigate Fraud.The Frozen assets include a six bedroom London townhouse, a country estate on the Isle of Man,and 15 bank... ...
I gave my neighbour a jump start this morning (oy!) and she asked me how long a new battery would last sat in her garage in case her old battery failed again. I don't know and I told her I would... ...
A new YouGove poll reveals that the Cons are trailing well behind Labour .And the reform party is just seven points behind the Cons , after overtaking the Lib Dems and the Green Party. Could the... ...
When I reach up or down for something my shoulder joint is very painful for a couple of minutes then it subsides and the goes away. Normally it is fine, no pain. Anybody any ideas please?
Do you have a food you love,that probably should not be eating,but cannot resist it? Come on now you can confess it here,and we will absolve you of all blame. Mine is fried bread.I don't make it at... ...
A pollster working inside No 10 Downing St has resigned, and his parting words were... that the Conservative party are heading for the most almighty of defeats...And have no doubt about it the Uk... ...