Well, that'll teach him, is there any surprise kids... ... My heart bleeds for the girl and her... ...
Cancel it all now and cut our losses? Carry on to Birmingham only? Carry on to Manchester? Whatever we do its been a disgusting waste of money on a huge white elephant. Should have been cancelled... ...
she is spot on, but who is going to listen and make changes, seems politicans and lawmakers care nothing for the publics view, but only altruism or they are just... ...
HMRC, Are investigating the Tax affairs of one of the largest donors of Tory Party funds, and who also is a Big supporter of Johnson. Lord Bamford.. Who over the past years has donated £10... ...
There are now 47 Tory MPs, who are standing down at the next GE.And there are a few Top Cons amongst them... Is it because they know they are going to lose their seats anyway .Although .The Cons... ...
I just adore strewberrys thoughtout the summer months, and make a real pig of myself. To me the Scottish strewberry is far superior in every way, but this summer I've not seen any on the market.... ...
Just heard her laugh described as 'wonderful and infectious'. Is it me? It may be 'infectious', but so is typhoid!! I can't do with her, her 'positive' big woman 'image', her gormless Brummie accent,... ...
Theresa Dawes 59.who was employed by the Johnsons on a 3 month contract was Fired after only 3 days in the job. Is now considering taking legal action saying she was owed a salary and severence... ...
But also much support(For which I'm grateful) Alcohol and drug services havn't been great.Been messed about multiple times.Was supposed to have had my name down for a detox a few months ago but it... ...
I am not a fan of soaps, and don't watch them. That said, when I did watch, I became aware that a standard plot device for all of them, was everyone having a turn working in the central points -... ...