I'm 57 and stopped smoking three weeks ago after a lifetime of cigarettes. Already, I can feel a better lung capacity, (I took up cycling recently, and can pedal up the hills easier than before). I...
I have had bursitis in my hip for about 8 months, due to having bad knee and limping all the time. My knee has now been operated on and is fine, but I cant get rid of the bursitis and it is so...
Today I made myself a fresh juice drink, consisting of Beetroot, Carrots and Apple. Now, all day, my urine has been reddish in colour. Is this normal, does beetroot stain urine?
I have recently stopped smoking a little over two weeks ago. I had the aid of nicotine patches but the main helper I thought was the fact I had a very bad cold. The cold is in its way out now and I am...
can any one tell me if they have been trying for a baby after having there marina coil out ,ive had mine out for a month now but my period has not arrived very worried about this as were trying for a...
Now I know you all think -she's away again -im not. Who in your opinion would you think you would like to have a hypothetical romp with. No -im married stuff -we all see peeps and think -O I soooo...
i know my problems are insignificant compared to the more severe problems going on in the world, and that i should be thankful for all the good in my life, but i think i may be getting depressed. i'm...
Yesterday I had a bunch of roses delivered to my girlfriend's house, which was a surprise for her. She said that nobody had ever given her flowers before and thanked me. Later on in the day she...
A young friend of mine has jus been diagnosed. Has anyone experienced this and had treatment. If so, what did you have and did you manage to have children? She is really upset as she wants a family in...
hi ..wondering if anyone can help... i had a termination in june, at the same time i was fitted with the mirena contraceptive, have noticed that weight has gone up nearly 1 stone, is it due to the...
Having recently been diagnosed as having type 2 Diabetes using only diet & exercise as a control measure, do I need to inform Insurance companies that I have the condition? According to Diabetes UK...
have heard a few people say the yare good exercise for you tummies...so off i pop to get one...onl yi couldnt find one!!! Some stupid moron in woolworths didnt even know what it was, looked at me...
My wife is doing a lot of regular exercise in order to reduce her weight (I think she looks great), what is the best heart rate zone to burn fat rather than cardiovascular training. She is a 29 year...
Did i hear on the news over the weekend that the worlds oldest woman died at something crazy like 123 or 128 years old? Does anyone know a link to this news story (if indeed it is right!). Thanks
I was told some time ago that the most hygienic way to sneeze is toward the ground or floor. It's supposed to be more hygienic than sneezing into a handkerchief or your hands. Is this correct?