This magazine has reprinted the crossword grid from the previous issue by mistake. Their website does not say the competition entry is void so anyone intending to submit their entry will have to...
Can't seem to find the answers to 2d. Tree house (6), for which I have O?A??E, and 11ac. A species of mignonette - created by fusion? (4), for which I have ?E?D. And is 19d. really ANAGRAM? Thanks for...
A few to go - 9a Where to buy rum, reportedly (6) B????R 7d He composed music popular in the gym (10) ???E?U?I?A 2d Tree house (6) O?A??E 17a . . . went the way of all communists (4) L?N? 13d Number...
27 across. Avoiding South island-tiger on the loose,with distinctive stripes. (4 -6)R?n? T???e?. I think it is ring tailed but cannot work out why? 26 down. one retired,retreating from a jackal.(4)...
answers are all types of fish:- 1, Earth, water but only one leg (9) 2,Plurally we hide around the house (7) 3,Horror, fear! It's within (4) 4,A small flat bottomed boat (4) 5,Puffin's favourite meal...
sounds like an order to kill the pealers (6,5) male pig with a lot (7) a musical carousel (5,6) you gell to keep warm (4,3) town of the first xmas tree (9) a first present with wings (6) held on xmas...
I would appreciate the answers, please, to 27a Wilts - high ridge in the shires? (7) w?t???s and 25d Short-wave from Russian city (4) ???m. I originally had Mo(s)co(w) - moco, a South American rodent,...
Happy New Year to you all-no indication of word size given. Which pop group took a scottish geographical feature to the top of the charts? What title is given to the leader of church bell ringers?....
This seemed tougher than usual or maybe the festivities slowed me down. Increasing weight bringing down plane? ?A?I?G. I think it is "sawing" but why? German city promotes name in Harlow. ?E?A. I have...
Noticed that several greetings have been posted from ABers. Can I start this thread as an 'open' one for anyone to post a greeting to everyone else...then I won't have missed any to reply to! I would...
Wonder if anyone can help my next door neighbour out . She thinks that the film " Never say never again " is not an official Bond movie as it is not in the boxed set , but sold separately . Can anyone...