Stuck on last 2. Q28 Indigenous game involves no known seas, but many sticks 9. Q29 Swallow Borg's ninth attempt at aiming sphere 8, 9 Both answers will begin with a letter... ...
The 3 clues when solved sound like a place on the coast, no number of letters for the place Q15 shop 5 negative 2 road/track 3 = Q26 stronghold 4 melodies 5 increase in size 5 ... ...
Answers are Cats Domestic or Wild. Q4 Asian medium size cat 7, 7 Q14 Dwells in winter wonderland 4, 7 Q41 North American endangered cat 6 ( Ithought panther but too many letters) Thank you for... ...
Q39. She was only the 3rd actress ever to win an Academy Award, BAFTA Award, and Golden Globe award for a single performance. 7, 6, 8 Many thanks for any help.
Answers are Countries, Landmarks. Q13 Batman's apparel for former president 4, 7 Q17 Confused ship's prison at Holy table 9 Q1 Old Queen trips, whoops a daisy! 8, 5 Many thanks for any... ...
Essex place,money, 66winner,former football pundit 9&4 letters the answer being an animal or creature real fictional or mythical just need this one out of 100
6, measures the force of a sanguineous product (5,8,7) 13, looks like but doesn't sound like those such as the Thames seven or tweed for example (7) 16, babies welcome witty German in here (9,4) 23,... ...
Last 1 - please can you help - answer is person / animal who is usually known by their initials and surname rather than their given name 14.When he was 17 he got matching tattoo with his sister and... ...
can anyone help with picture clue no2 grey haired lady with silver necklace and big locket over a black top and deep red cardigan. Elderly lady too. 7,7, (1,1) 5 14) when he was 17 he got matching... ...