5D. Before second half of July the Spanish and the German were getting on (7) -L-ER-Y
and 16a. Shed ale not spilt! (4-2) --A- T-
Many thanks in advance...
1d. One reluctantly takes steps in this (6,5) F-R--- -----
35a. Virtue that has not been spotted? (11) C-----T---S
5d. Ring-fence! (9,8) -E---P---E -E------
Many thanks in advance...
25a. Permission to begin something - motorists go on it (5,5) -r-e- ----t
and 18d. Ushers retainers after the entrance (11) d-o-------s
Thanks in advance...
23a. Papal sign (3) L-T
and 32a. Notice split without help (6) ---I-T (could it be splint)
and 33d. Note the same hour (3) --H
Many thanks in advance...