This may be a bit of a sick question, but I was just wondering whether or not female animals ever go through monthly or quarterly period cycles. I'm curious, as cats, dogs, rabbits etc. are all...
I think there could be a jacobite rebellion soon if all this jacob-ish stuff goes on much more - we've had his cheese [as it were] his ladder, his sheep [well I didn't] not to metion his party, joy,...
My car battery is as flat as a very flat thing this morning and so I am having to buy some jump leads and use a friends car. Can someone explain which clamp goes on which bit of the battery?
Please, chaps, can you really take a serius look at the problem of repetitive questions and riddle questions. Prior to posting this Q, at least 11 of the 20 questions on this page fall into one of...
Is it just me, or does anyone else get really annoyed with stupid women's adverts that are full of long pseudo-scientific words that mean absolutely nothing. For example, hair dye with PURE...
If I don't connect a hot water inlet to my washing machine, will it heat the cold water? It has a temperature knob on the front. And I don't have the manual.
Anyone remember him? Adult cartoon series of the mid-1980s. A cephalopodic character (no torso - just a head with hands and feet coming out) who lived under a kitchen sink. He was a head of his time...
Ive only had my new hob for a few months but already its got tiny specks tarnishing the surface. im scared to use anything that may scratch it but what can I use to clean it properly?
Can someone explain the pros and cons of leasing, hire purchase and getting a loan to finance a car? I can afford ?5k cash or could boost it to 10k ish with another way of finance? And any...
If you could, what would you put in Room 101. Mine would be Moths - stupid creature.. (come out in the day if you like light so much) and wire coathangers. grrrrrrrrr?
I loathe honey with a passion. Everything - the smell of it, the look of it, the feel of it, obviously the taste of it, even spreading it on toast for my wife and daughter makes me feel nauseous. Does...
if you see someone yawn, you immediatly yawn aswell. what would happen of evryone in th eworld stood in a straight line and did? would the last in the line die of lack of oxygen?