All answers are related to home or dwelling places
1) unconventional british family housed in bee:s nest (4)
really stumped on this.
Thanks Bibblebub for the answer to my previous enquiry...
Answers are eluding me anyone help All answers ar e homes or places where things live 1) The paddock at newmarket, say, becomes a place of captivity (8) 2) Unconventional British family housed in...
Two By Two
All answers Animals, Birds or creatures of some kind
Really stuck on this one.
Can anyone help please.
Choir, taking notes in bed, arranged flowers. (3 7)
This Quiz is entitled TWO BY TWO
All answers are animals birds creatures
This one is really " buging me"
Choir, taking notes in bed, arranged flowers (3 7)
any ideas please
answer is an animal bird or other creature
This is the last one out of 100
Was your meal forced to come to land ? ( seven letters)
would be most grateful for help Thanks...
All answers are Games or Sports or related to Clue is Look in English Cathedrals for some of the very best 8 letters Forget to say how many letters last time Thanks can anybody help
Answers are all games or connected to games and sport This one is really bugging me Look in English Cathedrals for some of the very best any ideas please ? Many thanks in advance
12a Regulation or law especially one passed by locaql authority O?D??U??E 13a In maths a set of points whose location satisfies a given condition L?C?S Could have something wrong Many Thanks