Good evening everyone. Hope your evening is pleasant. Why not enjoy a soothing drink of your choice, hot or cold, and unwind gently from the day. Happy postings here are more than welcome :o)...
Another sunrise and another new day, don't you just feel ready to face the day with a smile on your face, even if it is going to piddle down again. Who cares about the economy when we have each other...
Good morning everybody from a very promising looking day here in the eastern shires. However, today and tomorrow the Lincolnshire Show is taking place, couple that with Wimbledon, and it's a recipe...
Considering it is now 5:48 shall I kick the morning off?
Well good morning all - long day ahead of me keeping tax payers happy.
Hope you all have a good day
Red xxx...
especially to the A/Bers like me who cant get back to sleep ! I am now off to the crossword section to finish ll yesterdays xwords. Its sunny here at the moment but I am sure it will rain, I am going...
why is there no good morning thread today - where is everyone? Anyway a very good morning when you guys finally stir - hope a lovely day is in store for you and that we are all chatting soon.
Or is it? Depending on what Sallabananas decides to do, this could be my last thread. I don't really want to go over it all again but as a tokem of my support for Sal, if she resigns from AB then I...
I am overwhelmed by the support I've had on here about yesterday's events. If the perpetrator is reading this - calm down dear, I now have access to a laptop & dongle. I do think this is an ABer -...
Can someone tell me what type if plug is used in Southern Ireland/Eire ? Is it the standard English three pin square plug, the continental round two pin plug, or the squat type English three pin plug...
To the person who went to immense time & trouble to track me down & then wrote (anonymously of course) to my employer about my postings on AB - all I can say is if you have nothing better to...
Good morning to each and every one of you this morning from a very damp but warm North Wales. Yet another early start (courtesy of HM Revenue and Customs - 350 tax forms to be completed this week) and...
Good morning evereyone from a dry and fairly warm North Wales. Looks like it might be a scorcher today (anything over 15C is a scorcher up here) might even be tempted to cut the grass when I get home...