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norman dyson

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Was it Laurel or Hardy who used to say the above line? This was a question in a quiz I once entered, and they said the answer was Stan Laurel. But I've always thought it was Oliver Hardy.
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Genuine answers only pleeeez....... at a cremation, does the coffin get burned too? It seems a terrible waste of good timber that could be put to much better use on, say, House Invaders.....
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I'm learingin to play the drums and I have like NO sense of corordination. Am I doomed never to play well or is it something you can learn?
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Where do you get your books from? I found I was spending a fortune buying new books which I read in a couple of days so now I mostly use libraries or borrow of relatives' shelves. Any other tips?
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I was just doing some weeding in a remote part of the garden and noticed a big hole has been dug under some conifer trees(about 2ft wide and very deep).Who has dicided to take up residence?
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I am at my wits end, having been woken up at the crack of dawn for 2 years, by birds in the eaves of my roof. The opening has been blocked up before, but they always manage to fight their way back in....
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Does anyone know the origin of the phrase 'Home James, and don't spare the horses!'?
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What were Barn Owls called before barns were invented?
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norman dyson
Pakad. What does this mean? I've got as far as Hebrew/Yiddish/Israeli?/Arabic and I think it's a title for a woman.
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norman dyson
How many wings does a Fly have?
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In the late 1960's there was a French dubbed TV programme shown in the UK called the desert crusader. It featured a crusader and his arabic companion. Some people seem to remember it but I can't find...
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cats and it doesnt have to be explained, they are just the better ones.
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I live on the South Coast and am getting really annoyed at being woken up by Seagulls Screaming all through the night. Can someone tell me why they doing this lately cos it's drivin me mad!!! Thanks...
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Sft42 - Ah yes the Glasgow Kiss, thank you for your prompt explanation very prompt
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I'm in the mood for a good romantic novel. Anybody got any suggestions? I want it to be a feel good comedy then tragedy, I like a happy ending! Modern or classic, any ideas?
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Are sparrows making a comeback? I counted 23 in my garden this morning, I live on the outskirts of a large city.
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Does anyone know what 'fem-kaemper' means in Danish? I think that literally it means something like 'five-fighting' but that doesn't make sense to me at least. Please help!!
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My girlfriend took her car for an MOT last month to a Vauxhall dealer and they said 'you don't need one for another 2 months because your car is still under 3 years old'. 'But you charged me for an...
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I'm going to be in London at the end of the month for a few days. Can anyone recomend the sites that I should go and see? Remember I'm a tourist, I want to do all the silly touristy things as well...
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What jobs are available to someone who has a-levels in maths, physics and chemistry as their highest qualifications?

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