Sorry,I guess I messed up a little.
Clue. Hanger-on showing how to contain obstruction (7)
I have so far...r?n???? Brief explanation of breakdown if possible....
Send out US magazine that's withdrawn(4)
I have
One other please
Give notice of conflict resolution's conclusion(4)
Brief breakdown if possible please....
Gathering up bucket (4)
I have
And 1 other one please
Correspondence backs U.S.TV awards test (8)
Brief breakdown if possible please....
Could anybody help with the breakdown of this question please. I thin k I have the answer but I don't know how it has been worked out 5a) It alerts doctor, possibly 45,filling drink(6) I have ?e?p?r...
I recently visited my GP a female, for a very personal examination. The GP informed me that it was a ruling that she had to have a chaperone, then rang reception to ask for a receptionist to be...
Like US flag celebs tried to get over top of pole(4_8)
???? ????????
No letters yet.
Turn about,as angry bull may do (4)
Brief breakdown please if poss....