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Harry really looks like James doesnt he? Does anyone believe he is James Hewitts son, or do you think he is Charles'?
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(1) What did you have for tea? (2) What time did you get up this morning/afternoon? (3) What are you wearing? (4) How many cups of coffee have you had today? (5) Have you laughed, cried or swore today...
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what first attracted you to your partner ? was it love at first sight or a more gradual thing ? only askin cos im bored
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k9 fott
And on a scale of 1 to 10 how good are they at wem,bly we was at wembley a few weeks ago seeing muse But as it happens I love supertramp but this dont sound so good even with the suround sound...
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I can hear people down in the bar murdering some really good songs on the karaoke. Whats the song you always sing? Mine is I think were alone now
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do you judge people by the way they look ?
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as i was saying -before your question wouldnt let me write on it - whoever it was who said she was pretty inside and out - no she is not she is an attention seeking compolsive lying little girl who...
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What are your faves, what do they remind you of? For example, I love the smell of newborn babys, it reminds me of when I had mine. I also love the smell of cucumber as it reminds me of guinea pigs,...
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Hello all you good people out there thought that I would tell you its not my birthday today it is just an ordinary day for me. So can you all wish me a lovely ordinary day. And maybe have a whip...
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Doc Spock
to annoy those who do not like youtube, ha ha ha
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Do you think people talk enough now? Especially in relationships? With the internet and txting on mobiles i think theres less vocal communication between partners. Lets face it the time some folk...
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are you naturally jealous? if you are do you think its a good or a bad thing? do you flirt or mind if your partner flirts with others when youre there or theyre there? is jealousey just another...
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I have just spent one of the most remarkable days for ages. Me two sons and me grandchildren etc etc took us out for a few beers for fathers day and a nice dinner and me ex misses was there as well...
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My auntie is reading a fiction book called Elegance. The book is about a woman who finds an old book, written in the 50's, in a store about how to be an elegant lady. In the book this woman is...
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while driving through the country side to and from work i have noticed , horse shi. and quite a lot of it and is this not dangerous because of skidding. how come i can walk my dog but will get fined...
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I love my Honey Bunny to bits, but I don't think he believes me. What can I say to him to make him believe me?x
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re the poll. if i was uin debt id consider prostituting myself. i just dont know if anyone would consider paying me?? would you go to that limit or would you rather get evicted from your hom,e? i know...
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Well i am still pushing on in my job in retail managment but really finding it very difficult esp doing a lot of late shifts and not seeing my girlfriend very much. I am now considering handing mhy...
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Sad news just in................. Actor and all round hunky guy johnny depp was last seen entering a single seater light aircraft in the florida keys and flying off in the direction of the bermuda...

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