Loose bond not entirely firm round centre of South America- still haven't really got going on this one- p..o...c.... ( not 100% sure of the initial letter- think it's P
Can't work out 14a "returns leaderless with Roman knights"- "equites"but we did have sudden success with the rest of the crossword once Kayakamina gave us "Doctor Zhivago"Thank you
Still one to do- "ferret clearly alive about to go wrong"- we have vi.e.r.d- can't find a word to fit- think we have the rest correctly- but maybe not? Would like to put this crossword to bed and get...
still a few to do.. 28d counterm..... "board members initially certain about each action to avert danger" and 58a "is it a or is it the thing that makes the difference" .e.....n.r what is 52d please!
18d garter's first word about rebellion by elusive character....it must be houdini, but why? and 24a- chinese general folloed by the bad guys in 1 16 "Gordon"? who are the bad guys?
17a .s.l.i.t In part Indian's city's backing David 50a ..r.g.r. Political doctrine leaderless miner's called into question All I can find is priggery, but doesn't make sense to me! Thanks for any help
Help needed for the last few solutions- 7d e.i...r always outside,I will become worse- and 17a .s...i.t "Islamist" fits in but is that correct--and why? and is 50a "priggery" and 50d panne? Help very...