really stuck on the following, hope someone can help. 5. four hoops. 13. is pussy here.? 14. you won't remember this occasion. 25. an old lincolnshire saying that the thief would welcome. thank you...
All answers are Yorkshre pace names - The bread is rising & it shouldn't be (9) - A US Generals's name encircles a circle (10) - An inexperienced fellow (6) - Flexible (5) - Snubs (8) - Look for this...
Could anyone help me with this question please. The answer relates to natural history and is my last one. PAN should lead you to this one. Pan is in capitals. I do not have the number of letters in...
17. Ancient burial ground maybe? 19. Muddy pond (NOT Blackpool or Blackburn) 20. Further South than the northern one? 23. You'll need these to hold the store shed together. 24. Village in Lincolnshire...
Places around Lincolnshire Starting from East Kirkby, I have two clues to find two other places. 1)Don't go abroad, in England remain Go East to find the bird's favourite terrain. 2)NNW where water...
how long were ethel merman and ernest borgnine married quiz multiple choice says 4 days, 8 days or 53years, but everything I have looked up says 32 days. Has anyone else had the same problem.
I am trying to get started on the armchair treasure hunt. The clue is 'Travel NW where Tennyson dallied by water By the millstream with the owners daughter' Its a place in Lincolnshire NW of...
Hi - I'm stuck on the last one. Can anyone help me please with this one, it's a song from a Musical. All I have are the initial letters of each word:- W for T G U Many thanks, Andy